US Coast Guard Auxiliary

Who We Are:
Welcome to your Tellico Lake US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla.
We currently support the Coast Guard's mission to facilitate recreational boating safety in the following active programs:
- MARINE OPERATIONS: The Flotilla operates three vessels for safety, marine observation, and event patrols.
- RADIO COMMUNICATIONS: Members provide VHF and HF radio communications supporting Coast Guard and Auxiliary national and local radio nets.
- FOOD SERVICES: Qualified members may deploy on active-duty CG ships to provide food services for the ship's crew.
- FREE VESSEL SAFETY EXAMS: We provide free vessel safety inspections helping boaters to meet all safety elements required by State and Federal law.
- PUBLIC EDUCATION: Qualified member instructors conduct Boating Safety Classes for area boaters encompassing general boating safety, First Mate training, trailering, marlinspike, GPS navigation, Tennessee River Familiarization and more. Contact Mike Colacone at [email protected]. Click here to view our new Class Schedule for 2025 classes.
- SAFETY LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION: We regularly visit 35+ public locations throughout the area distributing boating laws and safety publications.
FREE VESSEL SAFETY CHECKS by USCG Auxiliary Certified Vessel Examiners to insure that all boaters meet TWRA’s Tennessee’s Required Equipment Checklist published in The HANDBOOK of Tennessee Boating Laws and Responsibilities. These checks include a physical inspection of all boaters vessels and handing out booklets covering aspects of Recreational Boating Safety.
A FREE SAFETY VESSEL CHECK by your local Tellico Lake USCG Auxiliary Flotilla can be requested:
- By calling 260-336-2608
- Going to and clicking on the "Get a Vessel Safety Check" button.
Click here for information on Vessel Checks. Click here to view the 2025 Vessel Check Schedule.
Thank you for supporting your Tellico Lake USCG Auxiliary Flotilla’s mission to promote Recreational Boating Safety.
Monthly Meetings
If interested in joining, please contact Michael Colacone (352-804-8257) or Wally Weakley (601-408-8477).

Membership Information
To become a club member or to obtain more information about the club click here, .
For more information on the Tellico Lake Flotilla please click here to send us your contact information.
Contact: Wally Weakley 601-408-8477 or Mike Colacone 352-804-8257
US Coast Guard Auxiliary (CGAUX) on TellicoLife
US Coast Guard Auxiliary (CGAUX) uses TellicoLife in several important ways.
- Calendar
- Our meetings/seminars/classes are published on the TellicoLife Calendar.
- Search the Event List using CGAUX in the search box.
- US Coast Guard Auxiliary (CGAUX) Circles (for Schedule, Club Docs & Pictures)
- US Coast Guard Auxiliary uses our circle to share our schedule, by-laws, club documents, pictures and for members to discuss Coast Guard Auxiliary topics of interest.
- The public circle contains photos, boating and course information of interest. Click here to see the circle.
- Flotilla circle is private - You will need to request to join the circle.
- Members are encouraged to post pictures and engage in boating and course information of interest on our private circle.
- Click here to visit the US Coast Guard Auxiliary (CGAUX)Circle (TellicoLife login is required)
- Simple Join the Circle
- Simple Join Tellicolife
- Circles Made Simple
- Troubleshooting the Circle Emails
US Coast Guard Auxiliary related links
- T-Bart
- Fort Loudon Lock 865-986-2762 for lock information.
- TWRA 423-587-7037 toll free in State 1-800-332-0900
- TN Wildlife Boating

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