Is your club or organization interested in subscribing to TellicoLife?
Here is the summary of who we are and how to subscribe.

TellicoLife started in early 2017 as an idea from HOA to create an on-line way for HOA members to manage their membership, see the calendar, register for events, etc. We formed a team and conducted a classic software search. Late in the search, we realized that the needs we had for HOA were shared by other clubs and organizations in the village. What if we sponsored, on behalf of the village, a single on-line place where Villagers could easily find out what’s happening in and around Tellico Village? Would Villagers value it? Would clubs & organizations subscribe to it? So.. we launched in mid 2017 and have been growing ever since.
- Over 40 clubs & organizations are currently represented
- All site content is open access on the web – anyone can view it – sign in is NOT required
- We average 6500 page views per week
- Over 3700 households and 7000 individuals are registered on TellicoLife. (These are members of participating clubs & organizations who have individual transactions in TellicoLife, ex. renewing your HOA membership)
What is TellicoLife?
- We use software licensed from MemberClicks, out of Atlanta, GA. They have been in business for about 20 years and service over 1500 associations with their product.
- We are organized as an ad-hoc committee under the HOA, and therefore a non-profit.
- We pay licensing for the software, our management of the content on the site is done by village volunteers.
- Our governance is provided through our founding partners: HOA, New Villagers, TV Computer Users Club and STAYinTV. It is important to us that we are provided for the village by the village.
- Our board, comprised of the Presidents of these organizations provides strategic guidance and approves finances.
- Our steering team acts on behalf of the board.
- Our admin team manages the software and its content.
What does TellicoLife cost and what do it get for that cost?
- We are funded by the participating clubs and organizations.
- We have 5 service offerings, described here in brief, with more detailed information in this document.
- Blue ($30/year) - Includes 6 calendar entries/year
- Bronze ($60/year) – Includes 12 calendar entries/year. Includes a home page and circles for communications with club members. Group e-mail is available to communicate with club members.
- Silver ($120/year) – In addition, includes 24 calendar entries / year.
- Gold ($300/year) – In addition, includes unlimited calendar entries/year and the ability to have multiple webpages
- Platinum ($600year) – full administrative access by your club admins, membership data base, credit card processing (additional fees apply), etc.
- All subscribing clubs and organization can have a logo on the home page that provides a link to additional information about the club or organization.
- There are a number of additional services, such as group email, contact us forms, event registration via email, etc. that we have customized for organizations based on their needs and interests. All of these are available at any participation level. So, let's talk about your unique needs and see how we can help.
- Please look at the site in the Clubs & Organization pages to see examples of how others have participated.
Complementary Calendar Entries
- Clubs who choose not to subscribe to TellicoLife may still have calendar entries on the TellicoLife calendar. Clubs and Organizations who are listed in the TellicoLife Village Directory may request up to 4 calendar entries per year. Please review the information on the TellicoLife Village Directory page for information on how to be listed in the directory.
Why would my club or organization choose to subscribe to TellicoLife?
- Gain additional visibility to your organization, what you do, opportunities to participate and volunteer.
- Publicize and register for your events, service programs and fundraisers.
- Simplify your email communication with your members / participants volunteers.
- Be a visible leader in the community.
Are you interested? What next?
- If you decide to subscribe, let us know (email: [email protected]). Several of us monitor that email address. We'll answer your questions and get you started.
- Getting started is easy, we typically need....
- Email your ideas/content for what you want on your home page. We’ll create a draft version for you to review.
- Any calendar entries you would like to use. You can either use our standard form, or send by email, however is easiest for you.
- Discuss any unique needs you might have so we can see if we can help you further.
Thank you for considering TellicoLife. We look forward to hearing from you
Your TellicoLIfe Management Team We are volunteer residents of Tellico Village