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About Village Vettes Corvette Club

The "Village Vettes" club is a group of Corvette enthusiasts who reside in Tellico Village. We have monthly meetings in the top floor of the Tellico Village Yacht Club on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm (social hour begins at 5:00pm). We are quite active in the area and plan several day and overnight trips each year.
Membership is $25/year beginning with the calendar year. For more information, we invite you to come to a meeting or fill out the form below to request additional information
Village Vettes on TellicoLife
Village Vettes members are registered in the Village Vettes Circle. We use this to manage your membership, communicate with other members about our club, discuss all matters related to Corvettes. Click here to visit the circle.
These guides cover the basics about circles and will help ensure you are set up to receive emails from your circles.
Village Vettes Sign in Document - Click here
Village Vettes Membership Info
1. Members:
- A member of Village Vettes is a Corvette owner, spouse or significant other of the owner.
- Resident of Tellico Village, Rarity Bay Proper, or previous resident member who relocates to an adjacent area
- Currently own a Chevrolet Corvette
2. Voting Privileges:
- All members in good standing may hold office and vote on all business.
3. We maintain membership records that include:
- Name of the member
- Address, including e-mail address
- Telephone numbers
- Corvette year(s) owned
- Membership information is maintained by the club, and is separate from what is maintained in TellicoLife.
- Registration on TellicoLife is required for the Village Vette member to participate in the Village Vette Club Circle.
1. Costs per membership category as follows:
- The annual dues for a member shall be the said amount agreed upon by the Executive Committee and the general membership.
2. Dues shall be payable by January 1st.
3. Dues are non-refundable.
4. Any member whose dues are not received by the end February of the calendar shall be dropped from the membership.
5. New members who join the club after October 1st of the calendar year shall be credited membership through the following year.
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