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Tellico Village Main Numbers
TV Property Owners Association (POA) (865) 458-5408
TV Homeowners Association (HOA) (508) 509-0895
TV Townhouse Association (865) 657-3044
TV Network (865) 657-6278 
TV Public Library  (865) 458-5199 
TV Welcome Center  (865) 458-7061
TV Phone Directory (send email for updates)   [email protected]
Public Works Department  (865) 458-4522
STAYinTV Requests (865) 458-7084 
The Neighborhood Assisted Living (865) 408-0211
Premier Residences  (865) 408-4583
Our Place Adult Day Care   [email protected]
Yacht Club  (865) 458-4363 


Tellico Village Recreation Centers
Chelsea Golf Reservations Use link to login and request a tee time
Chota Recreation Center (865) 458-6779
Kahite Activity Center (423) 884-6353
Kahite Pro Shop (423) 884-6108
Tanasi Pro Shop (865) 458-4707
Toqua Pro Shop (865) 458-6546
Wellness Center (865) 458-7070


Tellico Village Area Restaurants
Blue Heron at the Yacht Club (865) 458-4363
Kahite Pub and Grill (423) 884-2159
Little Italy (865) 657-6224
Lorenzo's Mexican Grill (865) 458-4655
Rice Kitchen (865) 657-9474
Tanasi Bar and Grill - Closed due to fire (865) 458-9392
Thai Bistro (865) 657-6440
Toqua Cafe (865) 458-1330
Subway at Marathon (865) 458-8011