Here's a brief description about what we do and the benefits of membership. Visit our website www.hoatellicovillage.com for additional information
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The Tellico Village HomeOwners Association delivers value to Tellico Village residents through informative and engaging programs, while promoting social fellowship, civic responsibility and providing a ‘voice’ for the community. Membership Benefits Include ...
- Advocacy on issues and concerns to homeowners
- HOA "Voice of the Village" newsletter sent to your e-mail
- Special "Voice" emails on topics of high interest
- "Meet the Candidates" forums - Local elections and POA Board
- Surveys to gather homeowner input on important issues
- Liaisons to Monroe and Loudon County government
- Representatives who attend POA advisory Committee meetings and report back to members
- Open Village meetings on topics of general interest - held at the Community Church
- Monthly HOA Socials held on the second Tuesday at the Yacht Club
- Over 100 sponsored HOA social, sporting and cultural events to attend

2025 HOA Membership Registration
Join or renew your HOA Membership today!
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My HOA Membership is:
* To see your HOA membership, you must first Login to TellicoLife. If your name is not shown, Login here.
If you are signed in and your membership is not shown above, please consider joining now.
- Representing homeowner issues and concerns to the POA Board
- Representing homeowner issues and concerns to POA Committees including:
- Communications and Marketing
- Finance
- Golf
- Long Range Planning
- Public Services
- Recreation
- Representing homeowner issues and concerns for lake water quality to WATeR
- Conducting surveys to capture homeowner input on key Village issues
- Conducting four informative general membership meetings and select open forums on Village issues
- Informing HOA members of activities, events, plans and initiatives that impact homeowners using the HOA website, www.hoatv.org, e-mail updates, and monthly newsletters
The HOA is your voice in all matters affecting Tellico Village property values, infrastructure, lifestyle and social environment. The work of the HOA is all volunteer and your $20.00 annual household membership fee is applied to communication costs and operating expenses.
Your support through membership strengthens the leverage the HOA provides in your interest.
- Conducting monthly socials for members to meet up with current and new friends and sign up for activities
- Organizing over 100 HOA sponsored social activities and events during the year
- Providing discount tickets to local events – theater, sports and many more
Be Engaged – Be Informed - Be Heard
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