HOA Golf Scrambles
HOA Golf is a nine-hole scramble format event for ALL LEVELS of golfers, couples as well as singles. This event is a great opportunity to meet other residents of Tellico Village, without the pressure of competition. There are no trophies or standings – just an afternoon of FUN!
HOA Golf consists of 15 golf events scheduled on 2 Wednesdays of each month from April thru October and a bonus 3rd Wednesday in July, with a shotgun start beginning promptly at 4 PM. We rotate between the Tanasi, Toqua, and Kahite courses. Pairing assignments are made by TV Golf Operations.
HOA Golf may plan and schedule additional special social events, in addition to the regular 15 golf events. Registration for any special social events will be through TellicoLife. To register for HOA Golf, individuals must be HOA members for the year of play.
In addition to registering for HOA Golf, individuals also need to sign up for individual golf event using TV Golf’s online Chelsea portal. REMINDER: HOA Golf events are available to register in Chelsea 14 days in advance of the specific event. Most events fill up quickly.
Join HOA Golf (Annual Membership) 2025 Registration
- You must be a member of HOA to play HOA Golf.
- The annual HOA Golf Membership is $20 per person per year.
- Individuals are responsible for the cost of golf and any special events.
- Click the Join HOA Golf button on the right.
HOA Golf Information
- Registration is opened for 2025.
- View/Print the HOA 2025 Golf Schedule.
- Registration provides access to HOA Golf events through the Chelsea Reservation System. It does not guarantee a place on the tee sheet.
- Stop by the HOA Golf Information table at the monthly HOA Social on the second Tuesday of each month.
Register to Play from the Event Calendar
Change your Reservation
- If you decide to cancel prior to noon on Monday before the HOA Golf event, please go to Chelsea and cancel your entry.
- *** If you need to cancel within 2 days of the HOA Golf event, please email Jay Burgin to let him know so someone from the wait list and can take your place *** [email protected]
- Tanasi Pro Shop: 865-458-4707
- Toqua Pro Shop: 865-458-6546
- Kahite Pro Shop: 423-884-6108
Register to Play in Chelsea
Forgot if you registered for HOA Golf?
- Your Registration records are available in TellicoLife:
- Log into TellicoLife
- Under the My Profile tab, scroll down to SUBMISSIONS
- Review all submissions to determine if registered for HOA Golf
For more information contact us at: [email protected]
To access this page directly, bookmark: https://tvlife.memberclicks.net/hoa-golf1