GFWC Tellico Village Women's Club
Who We Are:
The GFWC Tellico Village Women’s Club (GFWC-TV) was begun in 1996 and was the first community service club to be formed in Tellico Village. Our purpose is to bring women together to work on projects that improve the quality of life in our local communities.
Our club is an affiliate of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), an international organization with over 100,000 members in clubs throughout the U.S. and around the world. We are dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer services. Membership in GFWC-TV is open to all women who are interested in joining our efforts to address needs within our local area.
What We Do:
GFWC-TV’s work is focused on the major issues of our time – supporting women’s health and wellness, preserving natural resources, promoting literacy and equality, and encouraging volunteer service. Current projects include volunteer service and financial support for:
- Sewing pillows for local cancer centers for women undergoing treatment for breast cancer
- Food bags for the Loudon Elementary School Weekend Food 4 Kids program
- Supporting the Good Samaritan Center’s dental program and other needs
- Ongoing support for the Child Advocacy Center of the Ninth Judicial District of Tennessee (fundraising, adopt-a-family for Christmas, collecting needed supplies)
- Providing special equipment for the Tellico Village Volunteer Fire Department
- Participating in Loudon County Habitat for Humanity building projects
- Coordinating school supply drives for local area schools
- Lost Vets Rescue – an effort to assist homeless veterans
- Dunbar Rosenwald School – support for the renovation of one of the few remaining schools built for black students in the South during segregation (located in Loudon)
- Support for the Tellico Village Public Library
- Comfort Kits for Fort Loudoun Hospital – contains basic clothing and other items used for those who enter the hospital as a result of an emergency situation
Learn more about our members and our activities at:
For membership information, email us at: [email protected].
Annual Home Tour - Save the Date
The GFWC Tellico Village Women’s Clubs ANNUAL HOME TOUR is our major fundraiser. Each year we showcase 4 beautiful homes in the Tellico Village Community and host a reception at the Yacht Club for all ticket holders featuring a variety of vendors – home decorating ideas, home and life services, and many, many more informational opportunities.
SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2023, 1:00 until 4:30 p.m.
Details of the event can be found on the Tellico Life Calendar and under the Home Tour section on our website –
We welcome all women who want to engage in volunteer service to the community, along with fun and fellowship, to join us.
For more information visit our website or contact us at or [email protected].
GFWC on TellicoLife
We advertise our Annual Home Tour and monthly meetings on the TellicoLife Calendar.
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